Monday, March 2, 2009

The Other Half

“David Grega is a certified sommelier and wine consultant living in the Napa valley. In addition to consulting and wine writing David made wine for his own label “Bellum Cellars” in 2008. E-mail for more information."

Searching the archives of my life is a process riddled with highs and lows, epiphanys and moments of pure confusion. I often spend time reflecting on the path I've chosen to walk. Recently I found myself pondering my past experiences with wine. Quickly I began to see a connection between events, a tie that binds nearly all memorable moments of wine enjoyment in my life. The people who surround the enjoyment of wine are inherently equal in value to the physical process of drinking wine. The times I recall as most memorable all included people, and to be more specific, people I particularly cared about. A beautiful sunset is much more special if someone is there to share the experience with you. One is not more important than the other but none are more fulfilling on their own. Wine shares this very same effect. Binding people and place together, wine is a sort of social glue. Evident even thousands of years ago, the true soul of wine is found in the family model. Taste all you want, bury your nose deep into the finest reidel crystal, no matter how hard you may try, there is no enchanting aroma or flavor that can not be improved by the presence of people you hold dear to your heart. Therefore, the true key to the greatest enjoyment of wine is found in those special moments we share with each other. It has taken me years to admit this to myself, but I have to say that I would rather consume a table wine with someone special than the finest cuvee by myself. Take some time to re-evaluate your consumption of wine. Ask yourself "How can I involve more people in my enjoyment of wine?" Making a conscious effort to do so will be one of the most powerful choices you can make as a wine lover. Sadly there are still those who have convinced themselves that the full experience of a wine is found in the swirl, sniff, and sip. The other half is a gift we can all give to those who have yet to discover the true value in a single glass shared with others. "The Pursuit" is a phrase I use often to describe the process of seeking out joy and happiness in our lives. Wine and food are a crucial part of the "Pursuit of happiness" it is people that form the backbone of that pursuit. Without the other half our search is in vein, with it, we are already half way there!